Analysis by ETL …

Performing source-system analysis by writing ETL is just about the most expensive way you can do it; but many organisations do exactly that. Why? Because they “can’t afford” to do their analysis the cheaper way. No,…

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BI Convention over Configuration

The convention over configuration discussion when designing a data warehouse often leads to fanatical discussions by technical people over the ‘best’ approach to do things. Convention can be used to define the standard way to design…

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Can Business Intelligence Be Agile ?

The agile manifesto and it’s underlying principles set out four key values for developing software solutions: Individuals and interactions over processes and tools Working software over comprehensive documentation Customer collaboration over contract negotiation Responding to change over following a plan If an organisation is…

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How Data Works

Every business believes that their data is unique. However the storage and management of that data uses similar methods and technologies across all organisations. As a result the same issues of consistency, performance and quality occur…

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