Oracle DBA Crib Sheet


The Oracle DBA Crib Sheet is not an exhastive list of what a DBA has to do, instead it has been written for a particular client whose support team occasionally need dba commands and don’t have them written down any where else.

It features the commands that we have been asked to put in rather than an exhaustive list that attempts to re-write existing manuals, for which there are links.


Oracle is generally case insensitive and normally stores key values such as user names and table names in upper case. This is only important when using the name in a condition (e.g. where username=’PALADIN’)

In the sample SQL I have generally used BOLD UPPERCASE to denote something that should be replaced when entering the statement. Notes that are not SQL statements are generally in italics

An oracle statement can be ended with a semi-colon (;) on the same line as a statement or a slash (/) as the first character of the first line after a statement

All Oracle manuals can be found online at

Creating a Normal User

grant connect, resource to USERNAME
identified by PASSWORD

alter user USERNAME
default tablespace TABLESPACE_NAME
temporary tablespace TABLESPACE_NAME

Note: users default tablespaces will either be TOOLS, USERS or a specific tablespace e.g PALADIN_DATA for PALADIN user, whilst the temporary tablespace will normally be called TEMP

Creating a DBA User

grant connect, resource, dba to USERNAME
identified by PASSWORD

alter user USERNAME
default tablespace TABLESPACE_NAME
temporary tablespace TABLESPACE_NAME

Note: users default tablespaces will either be TOOLS, USERS or a specific tablespace e.g PALADIN_DATA for PALADIN user, whilst the temporary tablespace will normally be called TEMP

Creating a tablespace

create tablespace TABLESPACE_NAME
datafile ‘PATH_TO_FILE
size SIZE

Note: The PATH_TO_FILE must be fully qualified e.g. /database/oradata/database.dbf and should always end in .dbf. Also that size should be a number followed by the letter ‘M’ for megabytes e.g. 2048M would give you 2Gb whilst 2048 on it’s own will give you 2Kb of usable space.

Adding more space to a tablespace

alter tablespace TABLESPACE_NAME
add datafile ‘PATH_TO_FILE
size SIZE

Note: The PATH_TO_FILE must be fully qualified e.g. /database/oradata/database.dbf and should always end in .dbf. Also that size should be a number followed by the letter ‘M’ for megabytes e.g. 2048M would give you 2Gb whilst 2048 on it’s own will give you 2Kb of usable space. Finally this can not be the same file as any that already exists hence the common use of sequence numbers in the filename

Selecting a list of tablespaces and data files with sizes

select tablespace_name, file_name, size/(1024*1024) sizem
from dba_data_files

Selecting the size of tablespaces

select tablespace_name,
sum(bytes/(1024*1024)) sizem,
count(1) filecnt
from dba_data_files
group by tablespace_name

Changing a users password

grant connect to USERNAME identified by PASSWORD

Checking which users exist

select username
from all_users

Checking a specific user exists

select username
from all_users
where username = ‘USERNAME

Listing all available roles

select * from dba_roles

Creating a role

create role ROLENAME

Granting a role to a user


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